What is nutrigenomics?
Nutrigenomics is the study of the interaction of food and genes, affecting an individual's risk of disease or adverse health outcomes. Nutrigenomic testing enables a close-up look at a person's DNA to understand their unique personal health ‘blueprint’. Small but important differences in our genetic make-up (‘SNPs’) can have significant impacts on our life and health - from hormones to heart, metabolism to mental health, longevity and much more.
How can nutrigenomics support my health?
Georgina is a qualified Nutrigenomics Practitioner and a Master Practitioner in Genes in Mind with Lifecode Gx, the leading experts in nutrigenomics testing and education. The gene variants (SNPS) listed in the reports are those that can be amplified or inhibited through the use of specific food and supplements. Understanding a client's unique genetic make-up enables Georgina to tailor nutritional protocols to increase or decrease expression of certain key genes to influence health outcomes. An example of how nutrigenomics can be insightful is in the balance of female sex hormones. Common variants in an individual's genome can impact the production and metabolism of oestrogen, increasing the risk of conditions such as PMS, fibroids, endometriosis and hormonal cancers. Specific nutrients can up- or down-regulate genes involved in oestrogen metabolism to improve its detoxification and related health outcomes.
What genes do the reports cover?
Each report focuses on a specific body system or mechanism. Examples of some of the reports and key SNPs are listed below:
Nutrient Core (includes SNPs relating to Vitamin D, C folate & B12; Gluten & Lactose; Collagen; Inflammation; Circadian rhythm; Caffeine tolerance) Hormones (pathways including Cortisol, Oestrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone) Nervous System (pathways including Serotonin, Melatonin, Dopamine, Adrenaline) Methylation (pathways including folate, B12, homocysteine, glutathione, neurotransmitters, nitric oxide) Histamine (reports on genes involved with higher risk of histamine reactions, e.g. allergies) Detoxification (pathways that impact overall ability to detoxify toxins, including environmental pollutants, alcohol, medication (paracetamol, ibruprofen), mould. Metabolics (pathways including appetite regulation, nutrient sensing, sugar & fat metabolism, cholesterol & bile, mitochondria and inflammation.
Which lab do you use?
The reports are provided by Lifecode Gx, a UK-based industry-leading nutrigenomics testing company.
How is the DNA sample taken?
A simple swab of the inside of your cheek from the comfort of your own home is all that is required. This means nutrigenomics tests can be done at any age, including for babies and children. The swab is then posted to Lifecode GX for analysis.
Is my DNA data safe?
Once the swab is received by Lifecode Gx, samples are allocated a barcode and all other client identification is removed. The test is used only to create the reports which are only shared with the authorised practitioner and Lifecode Gx senior staff. Each test is processed in Lifecode's ISO certified UK laboratory and all samples are completely destroyed after 3 months. All client genotyping data is marked for destruction at 5 months and completely destroyed by 6 months. The client report, the data and the DNA sample is never (and will never be) shared with, or sold to third parties. All of the data extraction and analysis is done in the UK.
How much does it cost?
Pricing of packages including nutrigenomics reports and interpretation are available on request. These reports are most beneficial when used in the context of a full nutritional therapy consultation as genetic expression is dependent on multiple factors including environment, diet, mental health, childhood experiences.Genotype information from nutriegenomics reports can also be greatly enhanced when married with results from other functional tests such as Organic Acid Testings (OATS), mineral and toxin analysis and hormonal reports such the DUTCH test.